We preach the Bible, verse-by-verse, book-by-book. Our goal in this is to remember the greatness and the glory of our God in all scripture, pointing us back to the Son, Jesus Christ, every time. It is our desire to worship Jesus for all that He’s done for us in the Gospel.
rESOLVED || a New Years series on biblical change
Another year has come and gone. What has changed in you and what do you want to see God change in 2020? In this series we will learn how to be resolved to grow in grace.
Only by anchoring our desires to change in Jesus—who ushers in the eternal new year, with daily new mercies—can we experience lasting change.
Join us as we learn how to do this in our Resolved series.
tis the season || a series ON CHRISTMAS
Comfy clothes, family fun, and classic movies…what could go wrong? Unfortunately, in a fallen world, a whole lot. Follow along us as we explore how to keep Jesus as the reason for this season.
authentic Jesus || a series through John
Venture with us through the Gospel of John for this crucial series as we dive in head first to discover the REAL hope of the TRUE Jesus.
The Sheep & The Shepherd:A Topical Series
The road of faith is riddled with potential difficulty, struggle, and pain - but it is also full of rich hope, joy, and life. But this doesn’t happen apart from shepherded community, submitted and committed to one another under the perfect Shepherd - Jesus. Join us for this church defining series.
Summer Songs || A series in the psalms
Church, there is a God who sings. Join us this summer as we explore all that God says to us about Himself as we work our way through the book of Psalms together!
Chasing The Wind: A Series In Ecclesiastes
The author of Ecclesiastes offers an honest look at the real world to uncover greater and lasting substance, purpose, and meaning.
Join us as we venture into the grit and grime to uncover the beauty of true hope.
Fresh start || A SERIES for the new year
New Year. New Pastor. New commitments.
A new opportunity to slow down and look ahead-
Ahead to all that God intends and has for us as His people.
But who are we? Why are we? How are we?
Join us as we answer these crucial identity questions in our 4-part series: Fresh Start.
These messages are from guest speakers, during holidays, in-between series, etc.
Good News for the Poor || a series through Luke
Luke's Gospel presents Jesus as the way God would fulfill His eternal plan...a plan that includes His relentless pursuit of those who have absolutely nothing to give Him in return.
The story of Christmas didn’t begin in a manger. It began in a garden. Advent reminds us that God Himself acted to rescue humanity from the condemnation we brought upon ourselves. Advent reminds us that God sent His own enemies a Savior.
We exist to bring glory to God through Gospel-centered worship, by loving and serving one another in Gospel-centered community, and by making disciples of one another and all peoples through Gospel-centered mission and Gospel-centered multiplication.