The good news of Jesus meets us in every circumstance, every challenge, every sin, and tells us that Jesus is enough.
Because of His foundational role in our lives, we are lifelong learners of Him - being built up through the preaching of God's word to us about Himself.
Explore our sermons, articles, and more as we seek to know and rest in our one true Hope more and more.
We preach the Bible, verse-by-verse, book-by-book. Our goal in this is to remember the greatness and the glory of our God in all scripture, pointing us back to the Son, Jesus Christ, every time. It is our desire to worship Jesus for all that He’s done for us in the Gospel.
It's okay to not be okay. Yet Jesus loves us so much, He refuses to leave us there. These are stories of salvation from our community - demonstrating the active power of Jesus Christ to radically transform & save.